Effective organisations and managers recognize that a significant part of building an effective and productive organisation is employing quality people. Interviewing has been identified as a critical management skill.
Does your organization evaluate the effectiveness of training intervention when the training budget has been allocated? A fundamental question that an organization needs to ponder.
Every employee is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to engage, motivate and retain employees. How do we apply the concept of Different Strokes for Different Folks then in reality?
Manager or supervisor are constantly facing challenging situations when it comes to handling people. Every individual is different and each has his own personality and expectations. In spite of these challenges we need to find ways to get employees and colleagues to co-operate and work towards a common goal.
The performance of organizations is among the top agendas in any management, and quite rightly so. Many organizations, however, are measuring the "wrong square peg in a round hole", as demonstrated by them being like busy bees without collecting any honey.
The aim of this course is to provide a more in-depth understanding of workplace talent identification and development as a body of knowledge in enabling effective talent management at the organizations.