Workplace Talent Identification and Development (In-House Training)Human Capital Management (IHT)
Course Date & Course Fee
- Applicable for In-House Training (Quote Upon Request)
The aim of this course is to provide a more in-depth understanding of workplace talent identification and development as a body of knowledge in enabling effective talent management at the organizations. Participants will understand how the content is interconnected with workforce planning, talent management and succession planning, and will be equipped with the skills to view talent-based workforce planning as not simply an annual event but a continual, integrated and strategic process that is comprised of a series of activities taking place at various points throughout the year, and thus, effectively deal with practical aspects of managing talent, grow bench strengths, lower recruiting costs and plan for longer-term organisational health.
Key Takeaways
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to;
- Apply a common language for talking and managing talent.
- Explain the concept of talent and talent management.
- Explain the focus of talent identification and talent classification within their organisations.
- Determine talent development and how it moves talent contribution beyond immediate performance and longer-term organisational performance.
- Use relevant research to anchor an integrated process of performance management, talent management and people development.
- Describe a framework that will support alignment and succession planning of the right people in the right roles at the time to achieve organisational success.
- Implement talent management tools and practices in their organisation.
Who Should Attend
This program is designed for human resource, talent management, and business leaders who are involved in talent management and succession planning and want to increase the productivity of their workforces.
Programme Outline
- Opening Case, Talent Management framework – Characteristics of the organisation
- Perspectives on "Why Talent Matters": Changing Trends & The Competition for Talent
- Activity: Identify Characteristics of Organisation
- Creating a Talent Management System
- Data points, including performance and potential
- Activity: Talent Calibration
- Activity: Defining Potential - Performance Matrix
- Activity: Talent Calibration
- Talent Development Strategies:
- Bench Strengths & Talent Classifications
- Succession Planning & Development Strategies
- Activity: Defining Talent Development Area
This program will be delivered via conceptual briefing using written and visual aids. To enhance learning effectiveness and transfer, experiential learning will be emphasised. Time will be allocated skills practices, group discussions and short exercises. The workshop leader will facilitate group discussions and feedback on the application of talent management concepts.
Quick Information
The aim of this course is to provide a more in-depth understanding of workplace talent identification and development as a body of knowledge in enabling effective talent management at the organizations.Contact Details
+65 6842 6666