Understanding Behavioural Styles for Improved Relationships (In-House Training)Communication - General (IHT)

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Course Date & Course Fee

  • Applicable for In-House Training (Quote Upon Request)





Do you know why you behave the way you do and why do others behave the way they do? Our behaviour styles do affect our interpersonal relations with others. How nice it would be to know yourself better especially when working with your team members or colleagues? Would it be better you know their behaviour style and how you could respond better?

This workshop will address that concern and answer those questions. You will capitalise on behavioural style, enhance your interpersonal relationships and communication with your fellow team members and colleagues at the workplace.

You will acquire the skills to be aware of yourself and others, to accept yourself and others and to use strategies to adapt to different behaviour styles.

Key Takeaways

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to;

  • Recognise and apply the three “A’s” in building interpersonal relationships
  • Interpret their Behavioural Style by using a Profiling Instrument
  • Obtain insight into the Behavioural Styles with whom they work with or associate with frequently at the workplace through people-reading skills
  • Understand work team relationships to prevent conflicts from arising and improve relationships among co-workers
  • Apply appropriate strategies in managing different behavioural styles at the workplace

Who Should Attend

For Managers, Executives, Supervisors, Team Leaders, Team members or any level of staff who wishes to enhance their interpersonal working relationship.

Programme Outline

  1. Johari Window
  2. Activity: Individual Self-Assessment
  3. Understand the Three A’s in Building and Sustaining an Interpersonal Relationship
  4. Using a Behavioural Profiling Tool to Plot Behaviour Styles
  5. Activity: Individual Profile
  6. Interpreting Marston’s Behavioural Theory
  7. Understanding Individual  Behaviour Profile
  8. Activity: Presentation and Explanation
  9. Know the Strengths and Limitations of Each of the Behavioural Traits that Contributes  To  A-Team, Group  or Organisation
  10. Group Activity: Application
  11. Get an overview of  the Four Dimensions of the Behavioural Styles
  12. Three Basic Relational Concepts in an Interpersonal Relationship
  13. Ways to Communicate Favourably with the Four Types of Behaviour Styles
  14. Spot The Primary Behavioural Style Through People Reading Signs
  15. Individual Activity: Applying Three A’s
  16. Strategies to Use in Responding and Working with Each of the Behavioural Styles
  17. Group Activity: Based on Given Scenarios


Interactive using adult learning principles, Group activities with Presentation, Scenarios, Individual self-assessments.

Programme Trainer

Francis Claudius has more 25 years of training experience. His training working experience comes from a Learning & Organization Department in a large organization. He was a professional trainer facilitator and an in-house training consultant. Currently, he is an Associate Trainer and Assessor for the Employability Skills(ES), Work Skills Qualifications (WSQ) Training Programmes and Executive Development & Growth for Excellence ( EDGE ) He is also an Associate Lecturer teaching the Training & Development Module for Diploma Students, Human Resource Development Module and Change Management Module for Advanced Diploma Students.

His previous appointments include Learning Account Manager and Senior Training Executive. In these capacities, he had performed training needs and rolled out training road maps specific to business units. He has also designed, developed and delivered training programmes in the areas of technical, computer, soft skills and management-related courses to meet specific business needs of the organization. He has trained both the junior and senior officers in his organization and public-run courses thereafter. He has been consistently receiving very good ratings and appraisals from course participants.

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Quick Information

Do you know why you behave the way you do and why do others behave the way they do? Our behaviour styles do affect our interpersonal relations with others.

Contact Details

  +65 6842 6666