Managerial Leadership for Mid-Level Managers (In-House Training)Team Leadership (IHT)
Course Date & Course Fee
- Applicable for In-House Training (Quote Upon Request)
Research, anecdotal evidence and leadership experience have pointed to a critical point of failure in strategy execution – the middle management. While lofty strategies are crafted by senior leaders in consultation with expensive consultants armed with high powered big data analytics, many companies have realised that strategies often fail because the message is not effectively carried through. Actions are often misaligned and misdirected at the operations level. This is due to failure at the middle management level.
With increasing realisation of the importance of middle managers' role in strategy execution and employee engagement, there is a growing need to strengthen this area to ensure the sustainability of the business. On the other hand, middle managers are increasingly feeling like a sandwiched class. Higher expectations from the top, driven by dynamic and challenging business environments, such as managing a diverse group of employees comprising the millennial, Gen Y, Gen X, and the Baby Boomers.
This 2-days workshop is specifically designed for middle managers to understand the critical nature of their role and equip them with the right skill sets and mindset to perform effectively.
Key Takeaways
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to;
- Gain a deep understanding of the roles of an effective manager
- Understand the importance of self-leadership in the growth and progression of a manager
- Learn and practice the related competency categories for managers and leaders
- Exercise and experience the impact of applying managerial leadership competencies in simulated scenarios in the workshop
- Learn the application of managerial leadership competencies in the various core roles of a manager
Who Should Attend
Team leaders, People Managers, Managers of managers, Senior Leadership Teams, Professionals seeking professional and personal growth.
Programme Outline
Module 1: Understanding the Leadership Pipeline
- Leadership progression
- Skills and competencies at different stages of leadership
- Skill application scenarios
Module 2: The Classical role of Managers +1
- The role of planning
- Organising resources
- Motivating team members
- Controlling, measuring and tracking
- Communicating
Module 3: Understanding Managerial Competencies
- Team leadership and enlisting cooperation of others, team communication
- Planning and organising, team communication, results-oriented
- Leadership, accountability, results-oriented
- Team cooperation, team communication and leadership
Module 4: Effective Managerial Leadership
- Understanding managerial leadership challenges
- What are the skills and competencies needed
- Role modelling
Module 5: Building Self-Leadership
- Creating self-awareness
- Johari window
- Self-Leadership
Module 6: Building Managerial Competencies
- Giving and receiving feedback
- Managing difficult conversations
This is a highly experiential and interactive workshop where 70% of the time, participants will be engaged in games, discussion and activities. The training comprises of a combination of:
- 1. Concept Presentation
- 2. Role Plays
- 3. Individual and Group Feedback & Coaching
- 4. Application Presentation with Group Review
- 5. Experiential Games and Activities
Quick Information
With more and more realisation of the important role of middle managers in strategy execution and employee engagement, there is a growing need to strengthen this area to ensure sustainability of the business.Contact Details
+65 6842 6666