Facilitation & Assessment of Competence-Based LearningTeacher's Training Programme

Duration: 42 Hours

This course is suitable for experienced technical and vocational education and training (TVET) trainers.


This course aims to equip technical and vocational education trainers with the ability to design instructional plans to facilitate learning through student-centred learning strategies to teach knowledge and skills of competence. The course will also prepare participants to design assessment specifications, assessment tools and marking schemes for performance-based assessment.


Learning Outcome

Module 1 (24 hours) 
In this module, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the concept of competency-based learning
  • Analyse the technical skills, thinking/contingency management skills, and social skills of a competence
  • Differentiate teacher-centred and student-centred learning
  • Apply situated learning theory to design context for learning
  • Identify different learning theories suitable for different content
  • Design an instructional plan to teach a competence
  • Use student-centred learning strategies to facilitatelearning
  • Design questions to encourage higher-order thinking
  • Provide specific feedback to encourage learning

Module 2 (18 hours) 
In this module, participants will be able to:

  • Select an appropriate method to assess competence
  • Identify process and product evidence and the evidence source
  • Write performance standard statement
  • Design assessment specification for formative and summative assessment
  • Design assessment tools and respective marking scheme


Programme Outline

Module 1 (24 hours) 

  • Design and facilitate competency-based learning
  • Introduction
  • Learning outcomes
  • Concept of competence-based learning
  • Identify the technical skills, thinking/contingency management, and social skills of a competence
  • Situated learning theory
  • Design context for learning
  • Design an instructional plan to teach a competence
  • 4 learning theories
  • Use strategies to facilitate learning
  • Questioning technique
  • Providing feedback


Module 2 (18 hours) 

Performance-Based Assessment

  • Introduction
  • Learning outcomes
  • Methods to assess competence
  • Process and Product evidence
  • Direct, indirect and supplementary evidence
  • Evidence source
  • Performance standard, assessment criteria and their relationship with evidence
  • Different types of assessment tools
  • Design assessment specifications and marking
  • scheme

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Quick Information

This course is suitable for experienced TVET trainers and aims to equip technical and vocational education trainers with the ability to: - Design instructional plans to facilitate learning through student-centred learning strategies. - Design assessment specification, assessment tools and marking schemes for performance-based assessments. Module 1: Design and Facilitate Competence-Based Learning Module 2: Performance-Based Assessment

Contact Details

  +65 6842 6666